CIS131 Supplemental Materials  -- content will be added as the course progresses.

Connecting to VMware instructions can be found here:   VMWare
     How to use the Snipping Tool    
     Copy Text From Command Prompt

     Windows InsideOut Full  Text

Chapter 4 Additional Resources
    Customize Task Bar - Windows 10
    Control Command
    CPL files and Control
    Shell Command

    Manage Startup Applications - Windows 8 & 10 (task manager)
    Sysinternal - autorun - Window 2012+

More on this topic can be found in Chapter 4 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page.



MMCs - this is a link to part 1 of an 11 part article; the links to part 2 thru 11 are at the bottom of the page.
It refers to Windows 2012 but MMCs work the same on Windows 2019 so the article is still relevant

More on this topic can be found in Chapter 5 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page.





Managing Hardware

driver query

More on this topic can be found in Chapter 7 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page.

Domain Concepts

More on this topic can be found in Chapters 24 & 25 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page.

Functional Levels
Functional Level Table

Users, Policies & Groups

Create Home Folder Share and Configure User's Home Folder

Creating Users with Template Objects

Group Managment Strategy; this article is a bit old but it does a good job at explaining a group management strategies and AGLP

In this article they use AGDLP (domain local) -- it is more current and also does a good job of explaining the strategy.

Built-In Security Groups

More on these topics can be found in Chapter 30 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page.

Password Setting Objects (aka Fine-Grained Passwords)

PSO's were first introduced in Windows 2008 and the ADSI Edit tool was required to create the object.
The ADSI edit method is still available in newer Windows operatings systems but beginning with Windows 2012 Microsoft added the ability to manage PSO's to the Active Directory Administrative Center; a much more user-friendly interface.   It is good to know both methods. 

Windows  This article walks you through the ADSI Edit approach to creating a PSO.  How to set I8 Values: This article shows you how to convert time attributes to I8 format:  Not necessary to know if always using the GUI but would be necessary if using a batch processing approach (not covered in this course)

Microsoft TechNet :Use this article to read about Fine-Grained Policies.   This provides a good, detailed, explanation of this Windows feature. 

The Active Directory Administrative Center approach to create a PSO is covered in the class video it's also included in Chapter 30 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page

DS Commands
Using the command line to manage AD objects

User Profiles

The History of User Profiles
User Profiles
User Profile Logon Flowchart


Share and File System Security
Net Use
Net Share
Share a Folder Using Advanced Share Button
Publishing a Shared folder using Computer Management
Publishing a Shared folder using ADU&C
Two Scenarios of taking ownserhip of a folder

PPTs used in class:

Combining Share and NTFS Permissions (includes suggested approaches)
Calculate Effective Permissions

More on these topics can be found in Chapter 15 of the Windows InsideOut textbook.  An electronic copy of the book is availalbe in the Miscellaneous block at the top of this page.


Folder Redirection / Logon Scripts

Folder Redirection Overview

Drive Mapping UAC issues - registry key fix